In a few hours, I have to do a twenty mile run that I pushed off. I am looking forward to it and seeking excuses not to do it all at the same time. "But don't you love running," you may ask. My answer is certainly yes and follow up commentary contradicting myself in the same breath. Yes, I absolutely love this sport (and yes, I said SPORT). Running is how I let all of my crazy roam free into the pavement. At the same time, my mind wanders off into a far away land of fuckville at some point, regardless if it's 3 miles or 26 miles. At some point, it happens. Thankfully, I have learned how to actively meditate while running. For those who are unaware of my version of active meditation, I tend to focus completely on my breathing or a chant in my head. Hopefully, it's not too terrible to admit that my first year of running, I actively meditated to the phrase "Don't Drop That Thun, Thun, Thun." Well, it's already out there so now you know. Something about the rhythm kept my anxiety on low and when I thought about the entire song, it made me chuckle. Again, don't judge me or go ahead and side eye lightly. I tend to hate modern day rap music. Running has been like therapy for me in a sense. Frankly, I am a mother, freelance entrepreneur and family woman who is constantly thinking about my finances, what meal I will make (because food is life) and the clusterfuck of events that I signed myself up for out of pure insanity. Countless times, I have friends and family members, mostly not part of the running community who asked me what do I think about while running. TOP 30 RANDOM THOUGHTS
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Latoya Shauntay SnellFor my pretentious ass bio, check out the about me page but for anyone interested in who I really am, make me a good meal at your house and I'll tell you a dope ass story. If you want to donate to my one woman operation, please feel free to donate below. All funds will help me keep the blog running smoothly.