It's almost a month and I'm a bit devastated--my viral infection put my swimming lessons to a ridiculous halt. Logically, I know that my health comes first but my ego says fuck this shit. How the hell am I going to learn how to swim if I cannot even attend lessons.
My first two lessons made me feel just a tad bit hopeful but my bronchitis is got me all around screwed up. Let's not forget loves: I'm training for the North Face Endurance Challenge 50K...a goddamn trail ultra marathon. I'm 12 weeks away and my lungs are inflamed. What in the entire FUCK! In short, I'm frustrated. Scared. Depressed. Exceptionally worried. What am I going to do?
Latoya Shauntay SnellI can't swim worth shit but I'm going to keep testing this out until I learn. #blackgirlsswim If you want to donate to my one woman operation, please feel free to hit the button below.
March 2018
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